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Solutions That Give People Time Back

When you leave work in the dark. When you’re always rushing. When people are waiting on you. When you could be living your life and succeeding at work. That’s when you know you need more effective time management. It’s the key to success at work and life outside of it …

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A Process Management Solution for Educational Institutions

Like any other industry, an uncertain economy has led many educational institutions to address internal challenges — from reduced funding and enrollment to limited resources and an increased need for reporting and compliance. No matter what sector a business operates within, the best way to thrive is to institute strong …

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Client Testimonial for 10xViz

The perfect workflow. Listen as Becca Briley, Director of Client Services at Proven Content, discusses how partnering with 10xViz has enabled her and her team to better manage their heavily task-driven workflow, resulting in logical, efficient, and accurate practices that drive accountability and client satisfaction. An efficient workflow thrives on …

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The Inherent Value of Visibility

Imagine a world where you no longer have to search multiple files for documents or play email tag to track down critical information — where you have a comprehensive view of your projects, with every data point and milestone at your fingertips, empowering you to make confident, informed decisions and …

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Finding Your (Work) Flow: Making Work, Work for You

“Work smarter, not harder” is a sage piece of advice that still rings true today. Smart organizations know optimizing workforce productivity through streamlined workflows is good business, as it enables teams to complete tasks more efficiently, frees management to focus on big-picture strategy, and makes for happier clients. Given all …

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Work Now — For the Future

Today’s successful companies understand that less time spent compiling reports and presentations or searching through emails for critical information means more time focused on forward-looking business-critical strategy and high-priority projects. Smart organizations constantly seek opportunities to improve efficiencies through technology and drive their business forward, but uneven technology adoption remains …

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The Joy of Efficiency

There is inherent monotony in every job — across every industry and in every position. Day-in, day-out tasks must be completed to keep business moving forward! But true job dissatisfaction typically stems from inefficient time management and inability to access information productively. No one finds pleasure in a role when …

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